hi guys.. happy halloween to you all... speaking of halloween club penguin prepared another halloween party for us.. isnt that cool... you can go trick or treating but first you need to get a pumpkin at the snow forts... well.. enjoy guys.. and oh yeah.. notice the big storm cloud at the sky.. i wonder how hard the storm is going to be..
hi guys.. since rockhopper arrived at club penguin he has brought free items for non-members and non-free items for members... well here is a pic of it..
hey guys... the newspaper is out and the hadline is about rockhopper and the big party going on on club penguin.. well,,, check out the newspaper... enjoy!
and oh,, guys.. please check out page a7 of the newspaper.. its about a big storm approching club penguin... here is a picture of it in the view of the binoculars at the cove:
hi guys.. the ewspaper is out and the headline is about the 3rd year anniversary for club penguin.. isn't that great...!!!! and for your info guys.. im now creating the video for the new mission.. thank you for your patience..
hi guys... do you still remember the note found on the forest prizes booth, it was wriiten there that there will be more prizes to come soon.. well, those prizes are already there, it is a cotton candy, a carosel backgorund, a paddle ball.. come check them out at the forest.