Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dojo jitsu game!

hi guys.. club penguin just added a new game for us to play its called the jitsu game its a game of cards. to play first talk to the sensei. (see picture below.)

then when you talk to the sensei he will give you a starter deck and will give you a tutorial on how to play the jitsu game.

Friday, November 14, 2008

newspaper issue...

hi guys.. the new newspaper is out.. and the headline is about the grand opening of the dojo... remember to check it out guys...

New dojo (grand opening)

hey guys.. the dojo is rebuilt and its having a grand opening.. check it out and also there is a free item... just look at this picture below its being stand on by a penguin.. im sure your going to notice it... ..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

new newspaper

the new newspaper is out.. the headline is about the thing or incident that happen at the dojo because of that storm cloud.. well,, check out the newspaper.

new snow shovel pin

hi guys.. the new pin is out.. its a snow shovel.. it has somethin to do with digging out the dojo... well to get the pin just go to the forest... its located there...

Monday, November 3, 2008

damage of the storm

hi guys.. i have found what the storm caused to club penguin. the dojo was found destroyed after the big storm cloud disaster. club penguin needs your help in building the dojo again. there is a free miner's hat there so you can start to help..

and also there is a digger there to help dig out the dojo.

i wonder who he is... or what he is...

Naksboy at the stage

hi guys.. im just hanging out at the stage performing by myself and with one audience... how was the halloween party for you guys????

Bye bye storm cloud

hi guys.. the halloween party has passed and also did the storm cloud.. so far i don't know if the storm cloud did any damage.. but thankfully its over now..

just see the beacon telescope to see the storm cloud going bye bye... hehe

new map

hi guys.. im sure you might have noticed the new map in club penguin.. here is a picture of iut.. they have also included the dojo unhidden and also the mine shack..

Saturday, November 1, 2008

halloween candy hunt tips

hi guys.. if you are having hard time finding those candies well,, im going to show you where they are..

ok... the first candy is located at the snow forts.. just click the black flag

next.. the second candy is located at the beacon

next.. the 3rd candy is at the cove.. first click on the caution sign then the candy will jump out

next the 4th acndy is located at the ski lodge.. just click the blue box and the candy will come out...

next.. the 5th candy is located at the iceberg... just click the green gas thing in the sky

next the 6th candy is located at the book room...

next the 7th candy is located at the dance lounge... click the lamp there

the last candy is located at the plaza.. click the pot of gold there.. hehehe

when you got all of those click the claim prize

then you will get a back ground

enjoy guys...

Friday, October 31, 2008

trick or treat

hi guys.. im guessing you guys want to go trick or treating well,, you can do that in club penguin.. just get the pumpkin at the snow forts

after getting the pumpkin basket look at the upper right of your screen. you are going to see a pumpkin basket.. click on it..

then you will see this box:

happy halloween!

hi guys.. happy halloween to you all... speaking of halloween club penguin prepared another halloween party for us.. isnt that cool... you can go trick or treating but first you need to get a pumpkin at the snow forts... well.. enjoy guys.. and oh yeah.. notice the big storm cloud at the sky.. i wonder how hard the storm is going to be..

Friday, October 24, 2008

pirate catalog free items

hi guys.. since rockhopper arrived at club penguin he has brought free items for non-members and non-free items for members... well here is a pic of it..

free items on the party

hi guys... there are free items given to us for the party... first one is the party hat.

To get the party hat:

1. go to the coffee shop

2. click the fan above the cake

3. party hat comes down...

And the other free item is the blue aron

To get the blue apron:

1. go to the coffee shop

2. click the blue apron near the couter.

new pin

hi guys. the new pin is located at the dance lounge.. its a 3rd year anniversary cake pin... enjoy guys..


hey guys... the newspaper is out and the hadline is about rockhopper and the big party going on on club penguin.. well,,, check out the newspaper... enjoy!

and oh,, guys.. please check out page a7 of the newspaper.. its about a big storm approching club penguin... here is a picture of it in the view of the binoculars at the cove:

Friday, October 17, 2008

mission 9 tutorial

atlast my missionj 9 tutorial has been uploaded to youtube..

well, guys here it is... enjoy with the mission

new newspaper

hi guys.. the ewspaper is out and the headline is about the 3rd year anniversary for club penguin.. isn't that great...!!!! and for your info guys.. im now creating the video for the new mission.. thank you for your patience..

Sunday, October 12, 2008

microscope pin

hi guys.. the new pin is a microscope it is located at the sports shop.

and about the mission 9 im still making a video.. thank you for your patience

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

new party prizes

hi guys... do you still remember the note found on the forest prizes booth, it was wriiten there that there will be more prizes to come soon.. well, those prizes are already there, it is a cotton candy, a carosel backgorund, a paddle ball.. come check them out at the forest.

here is a picture of it:

Friday, September 26, 2008

mission 9 sneak peak

here is the sneak peak for the next mission (mission 9)

fall fair party

hi guys.. this post will help you in some of the new things in fall fair party.. first you could see the ticket sign on the upper right of your screen, click it to see what it is... when you see what it is it says about games this games will earn you tickets and this tickets can give you free items once you deposit them..

first here are the list of games and their locations....

Grab & Spin : Dock
Ring the Bell: Dock
Memory Game: Beach
Puffle Shuffle: Forest
Feed a Puffle: Cove
Puffle Paddle: Snow Forts
Balloon Pop: Arcade Circle (Party room)
Puffle Soaker: Arcade Circle (Party room)

(note: the party room is for members only)

here are the prizes you can win when you deposit them at the prize boot( located at the forest and arcade circle):

Prize Booth - Forest

Feathered Tiara: 1200 tickets
Lollipop Candy: 1000 tickets
Giant Green Sunglasses: 1000 tickets
Yellow Balloon Pin: 100 tickets

Members Prize Booth - Arcade Circle

Giant Yellow Sunglasses: 1000 tickets
Teddy Bear: 2000 tickets
Candy Apple: 800 tickets

here is a picture of the prizes for the non-members:

enjoy guys....


lollipop pin

hey guys... the fall fair party had finnally arrived and the new pin is at the lighthouse,,, its a lollipop hehehe... well enjoy with the new pin


hey guys... the newspaper is out and the headline of the frontpage is about the fall fair party... well here is the picture of the newspaper:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

fall fair party sneak peak

hi guys... here is one of the going to be games on fall fair party next week... im so excited.... how about you guys.... anyway,,, this game i think is called the paddle... cool name ha... heheheh

well here it is:

and also here is the new better igloos catalog... check it out.


hey guys... as usual i tell you everytime the newspaper is out sorry for the late post.. i got late because we had to live for some party.... well here it is.... its about the fall fair next week....

you could also see the stage preview in one of the sections of the newspaper, its on the special section of arts and literature.....
be sure to check it out....



Friday, September 12, 2008

new stage theme

hi guys... the stage looks really cool even though its black and white or anything but i think for me its really cool.. what do you guys think??? and the pin is connected to the play at the stage, the magnifying glass pin is related to the detective theme of the stage... just see so the costume trunk...

well,, here is what the stage looks like with lots of people hehehe....

magnifying glass (new pin)

hey guys... have you found the new pin yet?? if not here is where you could get it..

first go to the dock and look at the lower right of your screen then you will see the magnifying glass pin. here is a picture of it..

enjoy with this pin...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

fall fair sneak peak or preview!

hi guys.. last september there was also a fall fair party celebration and this year they are going to revive the fall fair party. as said so in the newspaper (see picture below) that we need to see any hints on what the fall fair party is going to be.. whew! so many things. first the stage then the fall fair party.. wow!

and now here is the sneak peak for the upcoming fall fair party.. and oh by the way at september 26 we will start preparing for the party.. just see the schedule in the newspaper. well here is the sneak peak


hello again penguins.. hehe..
the newspaper is out and the main topic is about the mystery of what the stage is going to be like. nobody knows on what the stage is going to be... any guess???
well, here it is. enjoy!

oh and please comment on what do you think is the stage going to look like. so that we will have an idea.

thank you


stage sneak peak

hi guys.. the stage is going great for now,, everyone is paiting and helping. its nice to see.

well, here is what the current stage look's like:

and here is the sneak peak on what the stage will be like when finished:

what do you think is the stage theme??
comment on your suggestion thank you
